Home » HRM » Report RHINTE00 for Integration between OM and PA
Have a problem while running the report RHINTE00 for integration between
OM and PA.
1) After running RHINTE, the text in present and previous positions has
got truncated to a maximum of 19 / 20 characters.
2) The relationship between position and person for the previous position
held by the person is not getting delimited in the OM module i.e., if a person
w.e.f. 01.04.2005 is Manager - IT and his previous position was Associate
Manager - IT then the relationship between the person and the previous position
should have be delimited as on 31.03.2005. However this did not happen.
Let me comment here that RHINTE00 is to transfer data from PA to OM (not from
OM to PA). For transferring data from OM to PA we use RHINTE30.
Now coming to the issues you have raised...
1) After running RHINTE, the text got truncated:
Based on your settings in t77s0 (last letter is zero)for PLOGI-TEXTO, PLOGI-TEXTS
and PLOGI-TEXTC (for org unit, job and position respectively), when RHINTE00 is
run, two options are possible.
a) Integration is active (an entry 'X' in t77s0): In this case the TEXT of
the object (O, C or P) will be entered in the 'object abbreviation' field in
IT1000. In this case the text is truncated by the system.
b) Integration is not active (an entry ' ' in t77s0): In this case the OBJECT
ID of the object (O, C or P) will be entered in the 'object abbreviation' field
in IT1000. (No truncation happens).
In both cases, the OBJECT TEXT is transferred to the OBJECT NAME field in
2) The previous relationship between position and person not getting
Please note that you can run the report with three different selection
options with regard to delimitation of old holder relationships.
1. None
2. Only positions from IT0001
3. All.
(Please see 'Report Specific Settings' area in the selection screen.
If you select the second option, ie 'Only positions from IT0001, the old
'holder' relationships will be delimted in IT1001.
(But please keep in mind that incase you have the scenario where a person
occupies more than one position, only one holder relationship for each IT0001
record selected (the one that is saved in IN0001) will be delimited.